New Yorker Cover

Cover design for the New Yorker on 9/11 ten year anniversary.
Design is based on the eagle from the US seal as a phoenix rising from the ashes of Ground Zero

Preliminary sketches for the project:

 “Eagle/phoenix” concept

 “Towering shadows” concept

 “Salute” concept

Holy Beard, Conan!

So a few weeks back, the people at had an open call for fan art submissions depicting the Flaming C, Conan O’Brien’s superhero alter-ego. My submission ended up being a part of a Flaming C-themed gallery at Comic-con! It’s now up on the Team Coco site, check the links below.

His ever-steaming oven mitt protects all.
The gallery at Comic-con (My image can be seen hanging way in the background of a few pictures, haha)